Collette Scott is one of the authors featuring in the September giveaway. Collette has written Forever Sunshine and Hannah's Blessing.
1. What is your name and where do you call home?
My name is Collette Scott. I was born in a small town in Indiana, grew up in Massachusetts, and moved across the country in 1999. I currently live in a suburb of Phoenix, Arizona with my husband, three children and family pets. I have two dogs, three cats, five fish and a retired racehorse named Sydney by the Sea.2. Do you have a pen name?
Yes, I do use a pen name. I do that primarily to keep my work and family separate. It’s much easier J. 3. What is the name of your most recent book and if you had to sum it up in 20 or less words, what would you say?
Hannah’s Blessing is a happy contemporary romance. It’s about a very wealthy man sweeping a single mother off her feet, despite her mistrust of the ‘dream come true’. Yes, I have two more rough drafts completed and have started a third - all romance. Wow, I’ve been busy. While not a direct series, these three have members of the Evans family from my first book, Forever Sunshine. One is about a returning Afghan veteran who is wrongly accused of murder and the woman who saves him. The next is about a woman who is reunited with her childhood friend, now an FBI agent, ten years following a near fatal gang attack that sent her hiding in the mountains of Colorado. Zach finds her when that same gang targets her yet again, believing she has access to stolen drugs. I think you can see a trend here. Every one of my books has a message of hope and the ability to heal when one has the support of caring people in their lives. While both focus on the power of love, healing, and the emotional growth of my characters, these two will have a twist of suspense as well.
5. What or who inspired you to start writing? And how long have you been writing?
Oh gosh, I have been writing for as long as I can remember. I wrote my first book at the age of eight and have been writing novels ever since. I believe I inherited the writing gene from my maternal grandfather. He was a poet, and one of the items he brought when he immigrated to America from Ireland was a collection of Irish poems. I still have those books and treasure them.So far I have designed my own covers with photographs. As a matter of fact, one of my children appears on the cover of Hannah’s Blessing. She is running down a beach in Hawaii, and she happened to fit the character of Hannah very well. That cover is my favourite so far because it indirectly sends the message of healing, too. After all, Hannah has a long road ahead of her, and she is determined to succeed! I also have an artist friend who is working on the cover for my Colorado book. This one will be a painting, so I’m very excited to see that when it’s done.
7. How did you come up with the title for your book?
Hannah’s Blessing has dual meanings. One is for the twist of fate when Hannah’s accident brought Diana and Devlan together, and the other is for the speed with which Hannah is able to overcome her injury.
8. Is there anything you would change about your book? And why?
As crazy as this may sound, I only write what my characters tell me to. Their stories are their own, so I tell things the way they happen. While I may feel sympathetic, angry or even sad, I would not go in and change anything. I have to say that Hannah’s Blessing is one of my favorite books that I’ve written so far. Perhaps it’s because of the Cinderella-type theme to it. After all, what woman out there wouldn’t want to be swept off their feet by a handsome, wealthy, and truly kind man? While she does have some trust issues, that is understandable considering what she has gone through.9. Do you have a book trailer? And what are your thoughts on book trailers?
I am new to book trailers myself. Patti Roberts of the Paradox series made one for me for Forever Sunshine. You can view that on my blog, http://collettescott.blogspot.com. It’s a very beautiful and sweet-sounding summary of my book, and I hope to keep doing those in the future. Hannah’s Blessing will be next, but I haven’t had time to get it to Patti yet J.10. Do you prefer e-books, paperbacks, hardcovers or audiobooks?
Ah, I guess I’m a tad bit traditional because I still prefer to hold a book in my hands, but I have to admit that the convenience of e-reading is really putting up some competition. I still do all methods, but hardcover is my favorite.11. Are you a self-published / Indie author?
Yes, ma’am. When I first wrote Hannah’s Blessing I had an agent, but his wife was diagnosed with cancer and he had to take time off to take care of her and their family. I decided to go the indie route after looking at the changes in the field, the ease and control that a writer can have, and the time saved to get your book out there. Obtaining and agent/publisher takes a very long time! The only thing I can say to others who go this route is make sure you edit very well.12. Have you ever read a book more than once? And if so what was it?
Oh yes, I have re-read books. Probably too many to list. If there is a story that I love, I keep it in my library and return to it from time to time. I will admit that most of my favourites happen to be classics, like Shakespeare, Hemingway, and the Bronte sisters. That probably stems from my background in English lit.13. What book are you reading at the moment? And in what format?
I have recently started James Rollins’ new release, The Devil Colony. I had pre-ordered it from Amazon in hardcover. I’m a little disappointed with it, though.14. Do you have any advice for other writers? And what’s the best advice that you have been given when it comes to writing?
Write, read and edit! Writing is a skill, a talent, and most of all, a gift. Once you are able to get the words out, go back and read, adjust, edit and polish. If you have a story in your head, put it down on paper. You never know what can happen.The best advice I was given was during my freshman year in college. My English 102 professor suggested that we read our papers out loud. Do you know I still do that? Sure I must sound crazy, but it does help tremendously when adjusting flow.
15. Where can your readers follow you?
Facebook page: http://www.facebook.com/index.php?lh=b2ee553aad26435db371097def695808&#!/pages/Collette-Scott/214595141885266
Goodreads author page: http://www.goodreads.com/author/show/4929698.Collette_Scott
Twitter: http://twitter.com/#!/ColletteScott
Website: http://www.collettescott.com - I have free online samples of both books there, too.
Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/Ms-Collette-Scott/e/B004X5YOJQ/ref=sr_ntt_srch_lnk_4?qid=1312822152&sr=8-4
Thankyou so much for taking the time to do this interview and for allowing us a glimpse into your writing world!
These are great questions, and a great author interview. I loved reading Collette's thoughts on indie publishing. My favorite mode is hardcover, too!
ReplyDeleteWelcome to the blogging world, Rai!
Thank you so much! I had a great time answering and getting to know Rai. She's pretty awesome!