
Wednesday, 20 March 2013

Author Interview: Jack Croxall

Jack Croxall has written Tethers.

1. What is your name and where do you call home?
Jack Croxall and I live in rural Nottinghamshire (a beautiful place which helped inspire my novel).

2. Do you have a pen name?
No, I just went with my normal name!

3. What is the name of your most recent book and if you had to sum it up in 20 or less words, what would you say?
Victorian teenagers Karl Scheffer and Esther Emerson are drawn into a treacherous conspiracy in Tethers. I hope that ticks the boxes?

4. Do you have plans for a new book? Is this book part of a series?
Yes, I’m working on the second instalment of The Tethers Trilogy now.

5. What or who inspired you to start writing? And how long have you been writing?
I’ve been writing on and off ever since university, but I had the chance to start seriously when I was put out of action by glandular fever in late 2010.

6. Do you gift books to readers for book reviews?
At the moment, yes! It’s brilliant exposure and a great way to make new friends.

7. How did you come up with the cover? Who designed the cover of your book?
The cover for Tethers was designed by Charlie Harvey, a web-designer by trade but I think he did a top job!

8. Which is your favourite cover of all the books you have written?
I’ve only written one so far so it’s an easy choice!

9. Is there anything you would change about your book covers?
Well I’m thinking of doing a new cover for the physical version of the book which I’m releasing in aid of the charity, ME Research UK – time will tell.

10. Do you have a playlist in mind for any of your books?  
Yes, check it out here:

11. Did you listen to any particular songs whilst writing your books?
The ones in the above playlist and many, many more to boot!

12. Would you have different book covers for different countries?
In an ideal world, yes, I think so – different markets require different approaches.

13. How did you come up with the title for your book?
It’s a reference to a very important theme in the story, but I couldn’t possibly say any more than that ...

14. Is there anything you would change about your book? And why?
Hmm, tough one. I think I’ll know more about that when I’ve finished the sequel.

15. Do you have a book trailer? And what are your thoughts on book trailers?
I don’t have one but I think they’re great; I love the one for A Monster Calls.

16. Do you have a “Dreamcast” in mind for any of your books?
Not really, I’m open to suggestions though!

17. What is your opinion of ARCs?
I think they’re a great idea, it’s all about creating a buzz, wouldn’t you say?

18. Do you prefer e-books, paperbacks, hardcovers or audiobooks?
I love all of them all, it very much depends on my mood. I’d say I read paperbacks most though.

19. Are you a self-published / Indie author?
Yep, and a proud one at that!

20. Have you ever read a book more than once? And if so what was it?
Oh gosh, too many to name! I must have read His Dark Materials five times, and Watership Down almost as many!

21. Have you ever bought a specific edition of a book because of its cover? (For example a UK, US or Canadian version)
The UK cover of Into That Forest by Louis Nowra is quite simply, sublime. I’d say that drew me in as soon as I saw it.

22. What is your opinion of novellas?
Great! I’ll read anything from flash fiction to epics.

23. Have you ever read a book just based on its cover?
Yes, and I do not advise it – always read the blurb too!

24. Has the quality of the cover of a book ever put you off of reading it?
I’d say so; an atrocious cover is always going to be off-putting.

25. What is your favourite film based on a book?
Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban – they nailed that one.

26. What is your favourite book genre at the moment?
Still YA, ever since I was a teenager it’s always been YA.

27. What books have made it onto your wishlist recently? And why?
I read a very good review of Hollow Pike by James Dawson, I think I’ll be checking that out in the near future!

28. What book are you reading at the moment? And in what format?
Two at the moment: Wool (hardback) by Hugh Howey and The Young Moon (ebook) by Sharon Sant. Both are superb, I highly recommend.

29. If you could invite any four celebrities (alive or dead) to your dinner party, who would you invite and why?
Philip Pullman: I’m just so very desperate to meet him.
David Attenborough: The man’s a legend and a national treasure.
JK Rowling: I have so many questions for her about her iconic characters.
Emma Watson: Because I quite fancy her!

30. Do you have any advice for other writers? And what’s the best advice that you have been given when it comes to writing?
The best advice I’ve ever come across (I can’t remember where it was from), was to read everything; DVD boxes, billboards, menus, blogs – all can be a great source of wonderful language use.

31. Do you have any hobbies that aren’t related to reading & writing?
Yes, I try to experience as many different things as I can!

32. Where can your readers follow you?

Thankyou so much for taking the time to do this interview and allowing us a glimpse into your writing world!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks so much for having me on your excellent site, Rachel! :D
