
Tuesday, 25 September 2012

Author Interview: Pam Torres

Pam Torres has written Madison Morgan: When Dogs Blog.

1. What is your name and where do you call home?
My name is Pam Torres and I live in the beautiful Northwest where the best kept secret is that the rainfall is far lower than you'd think. After weeks of no precipitation I'm beginning to curl around the edges. Can't complain too much, though, when temperatures remain in the perfectly-pleasant range. 

2. What is the name of your most recent book and if you had to sum it up in 20 or less words, what would you say? 
Thanks for asking!  It's a middle grade novel entitled Madison Morgan: When Dogs Blog. In this hilarious middle-grade novel, spunky eleven-year-old Madison discovers her special abilities to communicate with dogs, which lead her to discover some very bad happenings in her neighborhood.

3. Do you have plans for a new book? Is this book part of a series? 
Yes and yes. Madison Morgan is a trilogy and also part of the bigger Project Madison. The second is due out early 2013 so I'm busy doing edits and revising. There's more adventure, new characters and lots of humor. 

4. Do you gift books to readers for book reviews? 
I am always willing to give books to valid book reviewers that have a blog or column in a publication. Project Madison's success is dependent on the support of many people to actually make a difference.

5. Please tell us more about Project Madison.  
It started with my granddaughter, Kayla, who's loved dogs since she was a baby. Her first love was White Puppy, a fluffy stuffed dog who still holds an important place on her shelf. Then came Tasha, our Samoyed, a dear gentle lady who brought us love and loyalty, she's been gone for several years, but she'll never be forgotten. Kayla has grown into a compassionate animal lover and tween.
So I asked myself: Could I write a book that would appeal to middle grade children that involved dogs?  I didn't want to write the I-want-a-dog story. I wanted to write something that would entertain and bring awareness to the plight of dogs all over the world. The more research I did the more I realized how much I didn't know. I learned that I could have given Tasha and the other dogs in my life a more fulfilling life. I also became aware of all the dogs and animals in the world that need our help. So, Project Madison was born. You can find out more about Project Madison here.

6. Who designed the cover of your book?  How did you come up with the cover? 
The cover was designed and painted by Kayla's great grandmother Carol Allen Anfinsen, my mother. I thought about what I would regret not doing in my life. I began this project as a legacy to leave my children and grandchildren. I figured if I didn't ever finish anything else in my life I would be happy if I had left something for them to treasure. It only seemed natural to include my mother in the project. 
One of the characteristics of my mothers art is her vivid use of color, movement and symbols. The cover represents a dream that Madison has had repeatedly for as long as she can remember. The water embraces Madison and the waves of her hair become the water that separate her from the black dog in the red tub. She is reaching out but can't quite grab hold of the tub as the dog is whisked away. This represents the yearning that leads to her animal connection, a gift that will take time and practice to embrace as her own. 

7. What made you decide to take the self-publishing route?
Time. I wanted to be sure to leave this legacy for my family. I couldn't afford the time it could take to take the traditional route for this project. I have other projects that I am following a more traditional path, but this was important for me to get it out there. Since I am self-publishing I have greater potential to raise money to donate to the causes I choose, like the ACPCA®. Ten percent of all my proceeds are donated to the cause. 

8. What is your favorite film based on a book? 
Hands down, Harry Potter. I think they went above and beyond in staying true to the essence of the book. 

9. What books have made it onto your wish list recently? And why? 
The Iron Thorn (Iron Codex #1) by Caitlin Kittredge I've been on a Steampunk kick and I'm working on my own middle grade steampunk adventure.

10. What book are you reading at the moment? And in what format? 
I am usually reading several books at the same time, some on my Kindle, others on my computer, another from the library and several that I've purchased. There isn't a day that goes by that I haven't spent time reading. My frustration is and always has been that I read too slowly. For some reason I don't allow myself to skim over words, they all deserve my full attention, which bogs down my reading speed. Currently on my reading table: The Breakout Novelist by Donald Maas, SCWI magazine,  The Writer's Workout by Christina Katz. 

11. Do you have any advice for other writers? And what’s the best advice that you have been given when it comes to writing? 
Own Your Journey. There is no right way to publish, especially now. What's important is that you stay true to yourself and do what is right for you. If you aren't enjoying the journey, it's time to switch the road. I'm not talking about easy street. When you are truly immersed in what you love, you'll push through anything, climb any obstacle and embrace the unknown, all because if you didn't, you wouldn't be whole. I live so I can write, it is as much a part of me as my brown eyes.

12. Do you have any hobbies that aren’t related to reading & writing? 
When I'm not writing you can find me doing yoga, taking a walk with hubby, playing swords with my grandsons, talking about dogs and baseball with my granddaughter. 

13. Where can your readers follow you?                             

Blog: So I'm Fifty

Facebook page: Project Madison

Goodreads author page: Author Pam Torres

Twitter: @Torrespamela

Pinterest: See My Boards

Madison Morgan Website:   

Besides some great content you can find a free podcast of the first chapter of Madison Morgan:When Dogs Blog!

Thankyou so much for taking the time to do this interview and allowing us a glimpse into your writing world!

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