
Friday, 30 March 2012

Author Interview: Chrystalla Thoma

Chrystalla Thoma has written Rex Rising and Rex Cresting.

1. What is your name and where do you call home?
Hi, my name is Chrys (Chrystalla) and I come from Cyprus – which is the third biggest island in the Mediterranean and is one of the smallest countries in the world. I am Greek Cypriot, so my native language is Greek.

2. Do you have a pen name?
No, I use my name. I figure it’s strange enough. :)

3. What is the name of your most recent book and if you had to sum it up in 20 or less words, what would you say?
My most recent book is called “Rex Cresting”. It is a dystopian sci-fi novel (for a mature Young Adult/adult public) and it is the second book in the series “Elei’s Chronicles” (Book 1 is called “Rex Rising”). This book picks up where the previous one ended (although mark that both books can be read as stand-alones as well).
What it is about:
In a world where parasites create new human races, Elei thinks his part in bringing down the regime is over – but fate had other ideas.

4. Do you have plans for a new book? Is this book part of a series?
Yes! Rex Cresting is the second book in “Elei’s Chronicles”, and I am currently writing the third book. It’s a trilogy, but there will be satellite stories to these three books. Already, I have published a novelette set in this world, called “Hera”, and am planning a novel from another character’s point of view, short stories for others, and a companion book with history of the world, information tidbits, background of names, deleted scenes, recipes, etc.

5. What or who inspired you to start writing? And how long have you been writing?
It’s been so long since I started writing I can hardly remember what made me start. In the typical writer tradition, I started writing when I was little. When I was 12, I decided I wanted to be a writer – professionally. But then I gave up on the idea, and only returned to it a couple of years ago.

6. Do you gift books to readers for book reviews?
Of course I do. :) If anyone is interested in giving a review, then contact me and I will send you a book. So far, though, I only have electronic formats. I hope soon (maybe later this month) to finally get around to getting the print versions ready.

7. How did you come up with the cover? Who designed the cover of your book?
I wanted a face close-up for the covers of the series and found this gorgeous guy... I purchased the image and designed my cover myself. I used the left half for book 1 and the right half for book 2... Book 3 will probably have the whole face. :) I made the first cover myself and the help of a good friend who taught me Photoshop basics and my husband who helped me with the effects. For the cover of the second book, I asked a friend who is a professional graphic designer to help with the effects (the three lines on the cheek and changing the color of his jacket and hood).

8. Which is your favourite cover of all the books you have written?
Oh my, you make such tough questions! :) I think the cover of Rex Cresting. I just love it.

9. Is there anything you would change about your book covers?
No. I love them as they are. But any suggestions are welcome!

10. Would you have different book covers for different countries?
No, I wouldn’t. Unless something in my cover is offending in a specific culture, I don’t see why that would be necessary.

11. How did you come up with the title for your book?
Book 1, Rex Rising, was the biggest challenge. It is Elei’s story, and I wanted a title with his name in it. But this is also the story of how he fights with Rex, the parasite trying to control him, and the evolution of that fight. Thus I came up with Rex Rising, which documents the rise of the parasite, and then Rex Cresting, where Rex is so strong Elei has great difficulties in gaining the upper hand. Last book is called Rex: Equilibrium, because Elei and Rex find a balance...

12. Is there anything you would change about your book? And why?
Hard to tell right now. Rex Cresting has just been released and I’m too close to see any problems. After a couple of months, perhaps I will find something I would change about it.

13. Do you have a book trailer? And what are your thoughts on book trailers?
I have a book trailer about book 1 (Rex Rising). Here is the link:
I like book trailers when they’re short. They give a quick, visual insight to the story and set the atmosphere. I don’t know if I’ll be making trailers for all my books, though. I think maybe one per series is enough.

14. Do you prefer e-books, paperbacks, hardcovers or audiobooks?
I don’t like listening to books, so no audiobooks for me. I see no use for hardcovers, so it’s either paperbacks or ebooks.

15. Are you a self-published / Indie author?
Yes, I am – but I am also traditionally published. I try to keep a foot in either world.

16. Have you ever read a book more than once? And if so what was it?
I reread the books I love many times. A most recent example: The Steel Remains, by Richard Morgan.

17. Have you ever bought a specific edition of a book because of it’s cover? (For example a UK, US or Canadian version)

18. Have you ever read a book just based on it’s cover?
No. I love covers, and they make me look into a book, read the blurb and a sample. But I wouldn’t buy a book based on cover alone.

19. Has the quality of the cover of a book ever put you off of reading it?
Yes. I admit that it has happened. Guilty!

20. What book are you reading at the moment? And in what format?
I’m reading a book by an author friend, Krista D. Ball. It’s called “Spirits Rising” and I’m reading it on my kindle.

21. Do you have any advice for other writers? And what’s the best advice that you have been given when it comes to writing?
My advice: don’t let anyone and anything discourage you. Keep trying, keep writing. If you love what you’re doing, eventually you will see results.
Best advice I’ve been given: Be patient. Take deep breaths. Kill some characters. lol! Keep writing, above all.

22. Where can your readers follow you?

I love hearing from readers!

Thank you so much for taking the time to do this interview and allowing us a glimpse into your writing world!

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